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Our project “Carpathians Unite – Conservation of Orawsko-Nowotarskie Peatlands” has just ended! 
The last activities in the project are behind us:
  • active conservation measures in the Czerwone bog woodland reserve, coordinated by our partner – the Nature and Human Foundation: removal of undesirable pine growth from the peat bog, construction of dams and gates, sealing the dikes, as well as construction and modernization of tourist infrastructure;
  • workshops for local stakeholders on sustainable space management in the communes of the the Orawsko-Nowotarskie Peatlands area;
  • final conference of the project in Nowy Targ.
We would like to thank our Partners: the Nature and Human Foundation and Asplan Viak from Norway, and the supporting institutions: the Nowy Targ Forest District and the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow, as well as all other people and entities involved in the project for their kindness and support.
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7 koniec projektu
8 koniec projektu
Project secretariat:

UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre
21 Poznańska Street, apartment 29
00-685 Warsaw, Poland
tel. (22) 840 6664
Project coordinator:

Piotr Mikołajczyk
Working together for a green Europe
„Carpathians Unite Conservation of Orawsko-Nowotarskie Peatlands” benefits from a 849 910 EUR grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. The aim of the project is to protect valuable natural habitats: a raised bog and marshy forest communities in its vicinity, located in the Czerwone bog woodland nature reserve (one of the Polish Ramsar sites), as well as other wetland ecosystems in the Orawsko-Nowotarskie Peatlands complex. Co-financing from the state budget amounts to 149 984 EUR.
Project partners:
© UNEP/GRID-Warsaw 2022